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Targeted CryoTherapy
In Mt. Morris

At Beautiful Illusions, LLC, we specialize in targeted cryotherapy treatments. Cryotherapy uses extreme cold to freeze and remove adipose and reduce pain, wrinkles, acne, cellulite, and much more. Targeted cryotherapy can help you reach your goals and feel great!

We administer the treatment to targeted areas of the body to decrease inflammation, pain, and swelling while providing skin brightening and skin tightening services to improve skin texture and shape your body. We can address your stomach, arms, legs, back, neck, shoulders, jaw, glutes, or anywhere on the body that needs treatment

The Benefits of Cryotherapy

This therapy involves cold temperatures that address various health, beauty, and wellness concerns. Body pain relief is one of the most popular reasons for using cryotherapy. It reduces body aches, pain, and inflammation. This is achieved through stimulating collagen production, the main structural protein found in skin and over connective tissues.


The promotion of collagen improves elasticity and is the primary protein the body uses to repair muscle, joints, tendons, and ligaments. The vaporized beam of liquid CO2 that the treatment utilizes also promotes vasoconstriction, or the constriction of blood vessels, which further aids the healing process.


Additional benefits include quickening athletic recovery time, aid in surgical recovery, and relief for sprains, strains, and soreness. Cellulite is also reduced, and this promotes tighter and younger-looking skin.

Skin Disorders

Cryo has been shown to reduce atopic dermatitis, or eczema, a chronic inflammatory skin condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed.


A finished study had eczema sufferers undergo cryotherapy treatment instead of using their typical eczema medication, and many saw improvements in their eczema symptoms. Even more, the treatment has been shown to be effective in improving other external inflammatory conditions like psoriasis and rosacea, though repeated sessions are required.

Cryo is done on the neck and face, and then cavitation is done. Cavitation is a procedure that uses radiofrequency (RF) to heat the skin, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin to tighten sagging or loose skin anywhere on the body. The resulting skin tightening and lifting can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve overall skin texture, and brighten the skin. Some customers have even reported that skin tags and brown spots are no longer visible! Results vary. The more they maintain, the better the results.

At Beautiful Illusions, LLC, our mission is to help every client achieve their ideal physique, and one of the ways we accomplish this is through cavitation body sculpting. Our staff can perform this with an ultrasonic cavitation machine that uses high-frequency sound waves to disrupt your fat cell walls. This will melt the fat pockets that cause your skin to look lumpy and have dimples. With this body sculpting procedure, your skin will be repositioned with some of the malleable fat to  a more appealing look. aim to help you get the body you’ve always dreamed of. Whether you’re looking for cellulite reduction or skin tightening, our services will eliminate the stubborn fat cells in your body to improve skin texture and tighten and shape your body. Our experts are knowledgeable and have experience providing excellent and dazzling results. Get the look you desire and feel confident about your body!

         Contact us today for body sculpting services in the Mount Morris, NY area.



Professional cryotherapy treatments offer instant pain reduction while shaping your body and improving skin tone and texture, giving you a healthy, youthful appearance. We aim to help you look and feel your very best! Don’t wait any longer before getting the treatment that you deserve. When you’re looking for cryotherapy and body sculpting services, schedule an appointment with us in Mount Morris, NY, today!

Normetec in Mt. Morris NY
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Beautiful Illusions, LLC provides quality compression therapy to help you alleviate your aches and pains. The Normatec compression device uses dynamic air compression to increase circulation, revive muscles, and reduce swelling. This pain reduction treatment can advance your wellness and increase the speed of your recovery, meaning you can get back to your regular activities pain-free. Normetec is now in Mt Morris.

Light Therapy coming soon...

Taking care of your skin is essential to looking and feeling your best. If you’re looking to boost your confidence and eliminate blemishes and skin irritations, Beautiful Illusions, LLC is the right place to help you with your skincare solutions. Our light therapy sauna is safe and relaxing. We make sure that your experience is rejuvenating and enjoyable every time. With beautiful and clear skin, you will feel like you can take on the world. Our skin brightening services give you the ultimate experience of achieving the look you’ve always wanted. We ensure your skin will be clean and clear, and we will provide the proper care for your skin type. If you are looking for excellent wrinkle reduction and skin tightening services, contact us in Mount Morris, NY, today.

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